Stories & Commentaries

About Stories & Commentaries

From time to time, the North American Division shares commentaries on issues and/or events important to Adventists in this division. We also publish stories, which sometimes include interviews and features, to inspire our leaders and members.

F5 challenge team on CALLED stage 2022

Adventist Fitness Group Leads Made to Move Challenge at the 2022 CALLED Convention

The official fitness team of the 2022 CALLED Pastors’ Family Convention was formed long before event planning began. The group, F5 Challenge, offers fitness events across the North American Division and beyond, and is open Adventist and non-Adventists alike.

Mary Collins GC22 delegate

The Delegate Experience

I realize that General Conference Session and fun aren’t always considered synonymous. Admittedly, if you speak with me during business sessions, "fun" isn’t my first description of the experience. However, another word for General Conference is "family reunion." (OK, two words.)

Education needs teachers article

Changing Lives

David was a top-notch accountant. He had been working in the industry for 30 years. His children were through college, and he decided it was time to give back and do something in his life to make a difference in a tangible way. A change from crunching numbers to changing lives. He went back to university to become a teacher.

Person full of hope

Life’s Brevity and Last Words

There is something poignant about a person’s last words—the phrases uttered with one’s last breaths create meaning that outlives the person who speaks to them. Many don’t consider their final moments until they look death in the face.  Others think about the legacy they hope to leave—even in the last few minutes, they have to do so. Michael McKay had given a lot of thought to his last words.

Joanne and Joseph

Never Too Old To Touch a Life

Two lives have been changed. Joanne discovered she was not too old to make a difference. Joseph went from being an orphan — who was never touched — to a young man whose life has been touched for the better.


NAD Sponsors Guide Magazine Subscriptions for Calexico Mission School Middle Schoolers

“Lord, I’d like students at the mission school to get Guide magazine,” prayed Laura Sámano, managing editor of Guide magazine. She longed to send the weekly magazine to Calexico Mission School middle schoolers. It seemed impossible: the dollar amount needed for 52 subscriptions discouraged her. “Jesus, I can’t afford to do this on my own, and I don’t think I can fundraise that much either,” Sámano prayed. "Please provide.”

small church

Reviving the Dead Church

What do you do when you go to a church where people don't trust each other and don’t welcome others? Where church leaders are in disagreements most of the time over theological views and don’t invite visitors for potluck? As the pastor, how can you bring healing to that church? 

AdventHealth volunteers sort carrots

AdventHealth Recognizes National Volunteer Week, Celebrates Year-Round Volunteering Efforts

This year, National Volunteer Week is April 17-23. While this week serves to both spotlight the impact volunteers make on their communities and encourage people to help light up their corner of the word by volunteering, for AdventHealth team members, volunteering is year-round — as evidenced by the volume and variety of projects occurring throughout the organization, including at corporate headquarters in Altamonte Springs, Florida.

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A Season of Hope

We are living in very dynamic and challenging times. Wars and tragedy on every hand. Heartache and pain all around us—a time when many have lost their ability to hope. But this resurrection season is a season of hope. It is a time for people to know that we can hope again.

stock photo camp counselor

Calling All Church Members to Evangelism and Mission

Collaboration is not only a buzzword these days, but it is also a necessity to a successful ministry in today’s world. We live in a world with many challenges, where everyone is looking to see how the church will respond. The truth is that community problems and issues are far too complex for any church, agency, or organization to tackle alone. It is imperative that the church work in partnership with others in bringing solutions to the issues the communities we serve are facing.