Offering: Women's Ministries (NAD)

2021 Bulletin Insert

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Girls and women engaged in ministry

2021 Offering Appeal

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Women are specifically designed by God to meet the needs of other women. Women’s Ministries is the best way to connect both the church and unchurched women in your community to each other and to introduce them to Jesus Christ.  

Across the North American Division, from the United States to Canada and from Bermuda to Guam-Micronesia, the women of the church are engaged in serving others. They give Bible studies, hold evangelistic series, and minister to those in shelters for battered and homeless women. They provide for the needs of families seeking refuge on our shores from oppressive regimes, teach English as a second language classes, tutor school children, and make bags of love for children who are displaced from their homes or their parents. The women of the church are making a significant difference in their communities and their congregations. COVID didn’t slow down ministry, it just moved it online. Local, conference, union and division women’s ministries offered online and live webinars, retreats, seminars, and get together. Zoom became a place where members and community gathered to talk, encourage, study, discuss books, and pray together.  

Established in 1898 at the urging of Ellen White, the Women’s Ministries Offering funds evangelistic outreach events and leadership training for women across the North American Division who partner with God in service through ministries that impact girls, teens, young adults, and women.  

Learn more about women’s ministries and how you can impact your church and community at Thank you for supporting women’s ministries as we seek to encourage, equip and challenge girls, teens, and women to grow deeply in God and serve Him uniquely with their gifts and talents. 

2021 PowerPoint Slide

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Woman being baptized

Stewardship Offertory Reading

2021 Calendar of Offerings