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Today, we feel anguish that another Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot in the back, in front of his three young children, by those charged to protect and serve our communities. Today, we feel pain for his father, who said, "They shot my son seven times ... seven times like he didn't matter, but my son matters. He's a human being and he matters.” Today, we feel the anger of our Black brothers and sisters who must continue to endure centuries-old pain and suffering. Today, we feel the sadness of a loving God, who once again must see one of His children become the victim of a violent act. Today, we call for all believers to pray for healing.
We pray for the healing and recovery of Jacob Blake. We pray for the healing of those whose hearts are filled with hate. We pray for the healing of our country. We pray for an end to systemic racism in our land. We pray for the leaders of our nation who hold the power to enact laws to protect the vulnerable, and to use their influence to help transform the hearts and minds of their constituents. We pray for the day when Black lives will truly matter to all of us because we know that all lives are precious in His sight.
Today, we take a stand against racism. Today, we commit to stand up against injustice. Today, we commit to be the voice of those who do not have one. Today, we commit to do what God requires of us: “to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly” (Micah 6:8, NRSV).
Today, we recommit ourselves to be God’s agents of positive change for a better, more equitable tomorrow.