Stories & Commentaries

Arctic Mission Adventure Ministry Brings Hope to Alaska Native Villages

Learn more about what God is doing through Arctic Mission Adventure in Alaska Native villages in a video report, and see how the Gospel is being spread across Bush Alaska.

Alaska Mission Adventure video screenshot

Alaska Mission Adventure video screenshot

Through a network of volunteers, Arctic Mission Adventure (AMA) strives to become a "Center of Influence" for spiritual, emotional, mental and physical healing. By partnering with local community leaders, AMA volunteers help to address these needs through relationship-building and ministries such as radio broad-casting, day camps, and community-based projects and outreach.

Watch the following video to learn more about what God is doing through Arctic Mission Adventure in Alaska Native villages. See how the Gospel is being spread across Bush Alaska through outreach, radio, Bible study, kid's programs, and more. Go to: to learn more about how you can join the AMA family.


Learn more through this video about what God is doing through Arctic Mission Adventure in Alaska Native villages.