One of the many burnt out houses after the Lytton Creek Wildfire scorched 90 percent of the Village of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada. Photo by ADRA Canada
In emergency situations, the unexpected often occurs, and immediate action is required.
For the village of Lytton, Britsh Columbia, Canada, it began with months of dry weather conditions followed by a massive heatwave in the waning days of June that meteorologists called “unprecedented and historic.” On June 29, at 49.4 degrees Celcius (120.9 °F), Lytton tied with Death Valley, California, as the hottest place in North America. Already well-known as the location of Canada’s highest temperature records, Lytton went on to set an all-time high of 49.6 degrees Celcius (121.3 °F) on June 30. This was the world’s highest temperature ever recorded north of 45 degrees latitude and is hotter than the record highs for all of Europe and South America. The excessive heat jeopardized the lives of those in the area. Then the fire came.
Lytton, a picturesque little village, nestled where the mighty Fraser and Thompson Rivers meet, has a population of 250. It is also home to Lytton First Nation (LFN), located on 14,161 acres of land divided into just over 50 small reserves. Two of the 56 LFN reserves, Klahkamich and Klickkumchheen, are in the village of Lytton. Others are spread around the vicinity.
Reports from the ground indicate that residents had only minutes to flee after first realizing the danger. Lytton mayor Jan Polderman told CBC News that “it took, like, a whole 15 minutes from the first sign of smoke to, all of a sudden, there being fire everywhere.”
Lytton residents fled in all directions, not knowing which way, if any, was safe. The 71 km/h winds played a leading role in the speed at which the fire spread, pushing it north into the Village of Lytton. In the coming days, bewildered and exhausted, evacuees relocated many times in search of safe housing.
The Lytton Creek wildfire scorched about 90 percent of the Village of Lytton and was responsible for at least two deaths. It also destroyed properties in the Lytton First Nation community, along with thousands of hectares of land in the Fraser Canyon. In the days following the Lytton disaster, reports have emerged of more than 300 fires burning across the province and more than 80 out of control. Evacuees not only came from Lytton but all over the region. Many of these fires are still burning.
In total, approximately 1,800 people were forced to leave their homes with little notice and few belongings. Staff at Fountainview Academy, a Christian boarding high school located 40 kilometres north of the Village of Lytton, were also forced to leave under the emergency evacuation order.
Following the evacuation order on June 30, the British Columbia Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, local church members, and leadership, in partnership with ADRA Canada, sprang into action. In Lillooet, Elaine Roque, Adventist Development and Relief Agency ambassador of the Better Living Centre, led the charge in coordinating meals for evacuees.
Roque said, “When I heard what was happening on the news I called the Lillooet Friendship Centre. The staff knows me well, so, when I asked what we could do to help, I was told they needed food for about 450 people. Thanks to the support from ADRA, donations of fresh greens from Green Dirt Farm, and our amazing team, we prepared a hot meal of rice, lentils, and salad for 450 [people] and served 200 tired, hungry evacuees.”
And those wildfire evacuees will also have a place to stay for the time being as the Camp Hope Conference Centre cancelled all summer camps and programs to accommodate 500 with housing as needed.

Adventist church members from the Better Living Centre/Lillooet Seventh-day Adventist Company in Lillooet, British Columbia, serve lunch to evacuees. Photo by ADRA Canada
Personal Account
At 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 30, Okumu (Charles) Lomudak, pastor of the Better Living Centre/Lillooet Seventh-day Adventist Company and the Merritt and Ashcroft Seventh-day Adventist churches, was on his way home from visiting neighbouring Chilliwack. The journey home to his family in Lillooet usually took him through Lytton. Except on this particular evening, Lytton was ablaze.
“As I approached the town, I could see cars lined up on the opposite side [of the road],” says Lomudak. “They were bumper to bumper; no one was moving. Many people were outside of their cars, in the street, looking back toward the town. I saw smoke but kept driving, not quite sure of what I was seeing, although people were looking at me as though I was crazy going the opposite way.”
The pastor drove up to the town until he met a roadblock. There he parked, exited the car, and took in the scene.
“I got out of the car and started walking toward the roadblock. There was so much smoke and flames. I stood there watching, talking with people who were looking on in disbelief. There was so much visible trauma; I was encouraging them, saying, It’s going to be OK, and praying in my heart that it would be.
By this time, Lomudak had been on the scene for nearly two hours. With cellular networks down and electricity cut off, he was unable to call his family, nor was the police officer with whom he spoke able to tell him when the situation would be resolved. Concerned that his family would be worried about his prolonged absence, he turned his vehicle around, taking a more circuitous route. What, under normal conditions, would have been a 45-minute drive from where he stood took an additional five hours.
Helping Those in Need
Early the next day, calls began going out. ADRA Canada, the British Columbia Conference, local church members and leadership, have partnered together to provide help. ADRA ambassador Elaine Roque led the charge in co-ordinating the provision of hot meals and sandwiches for evacuees.
Later that day, as Lomudak walked through the makeshift evacuation centre at Lillooet Recreation Centre, he read confusion, anxiety, trauma, and fear on the faces of Lytton citizens. He shares, “People were in agony with the realization that they had lost everything. It was such a painful experience. It was heartbreaking to see. It reminded me of my own experience fleeing my burning village in Sudan.”*

A wide aerial view of the Village of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada, after the fire swept through in late June 2021. Photo by Palmer Halvorson
In a supreme act of love and sacrifice, the British Columbia Conference, along with Camp Hope Conference Centre staff, cancelled the camp’s summer schedule and event bookings, choosing to open the camp to house and assist wildfire evacuees. “We have enough room here at Camp Hope to house 500 if needed, and thanks to our leadership, supported by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada and ADRA, we’re willing to cancel all bookings indefinitely if the demand is there,” says Bill Gerber, Camp Hope Manager. “What is important is that we’re not just the hands and feet of Christ, but His heart, His eyes, and ears as well.”
Following the work done by ADRA teams in response to the Fort McMurray fire in 2016 and the tornadoes that wreaked havoc in eastern Ontario in 2018, ADRA was approached by the British Columbia provincial government to lead in organizing the in-kind donation management for the Lytton wildfires. Directed by Alain Normand, who has more than 30 years of experience as an emergency management professional, ADRA, with the help of church and spontaneous (local) volunteers, will receive, organize, and distribute mountains of goods that are invariably donated following a disaster.
“ADRA has been mandated, through Emergency Management British Columbia, to set up and manage collection points, warehousing, and distribution of in-kind donations in the vicinity of Kamloops, British Columbia. We will be managing the volume of goods that are donated in an emergency and working with agencies like the Canadian Food Bank and other corporate donors to help meet the immense need, said Steve Matthews, ADRA Canada’s executive director. “This is part of ADRA’s specialization within the Canadian emergency response arena, and we are recognized for that commitment and expertise.”
Matthews added, “Here in Canada, ADRA is one of several faith-based organizations at work co-operatively to respond to emergencies and disasters. As a member of the Emergency Management NGO Consortium of Canada (EMNCC), ADRA collaborates with a number of NGOs such as Red Cross and Salvation Army to support and bring relief to vulnerable communities and people across Canada. We are blessed to be called to do this work, supporting local church efforts and larger responses. We are grateful for every volunteer, every member, who is willing to help.”
The needs are great, and God has allowed us to touch hearts for Him. You can support the response by donating online at https://www.adra.ca/lytton-b-c-wildfire/.
— Peggy Caesar is communication specialist for ADRA Canada. This article has been adapted from a Canadian Adventist Messenger article from an upcoming edition of the magazine.
* Lomudak’s story, “Meeting God Under a Mango Tree,” was published in the February 2021 issue of the Canadian Adventist Messenger.